Tag Archives: Healthy

Ring Around the Egg

So currently I am in finals and sadly haven’t really had time to go grocery shopping but I did happen to have a bell pepper and a few eggs in my fridge that needed some lovin’, so I gave it to them- well I guess they gave me the lovin’ because I’m quite satisfied!

For breakfast this morning I made eggs in bell pepper rings, which is actually incredibly easy to make and very filling while also being healthy and cheap! Eggs are just under $2 for a dozen and the pepper cost me $.99!


  1. Wash your pepper and make sure that bad-boy is nice and clean before eating it
  2. Cut your peppers into ½ inch rings and cut away the inner whites and seeds
  3. Crack an egg into a bowl so that you can easily pour the egg into the pepper; I used two eggs so I used two different bowls

Cooking the peppers:

  1. Coat skillet with cooking spray
  2. Add peppers to cook and brown lightly
  3. Add one egg to the middle of each pepper ring
  4. Cook on low heat until yolks firm and egg whites harden
  5. Plate the peppers and add salt and pepper and Bon Appetit!


Recipe idea and help from WikiHow


Quinoa Black Bean Tacos

I have broken down this recipe’s price based on servings and I made this recipe to feed 4 so here you go! Enjoy!!

1/2  Cup of quinoa- $1.15
1 Cup of water- free
Dash of cheyenne pepper- $0.07
1 cup cooked black beans- $0.50
4 Tortillas- $0.40
1 Avocado- $0.99
1/2 package taco seasoning- $0.07
Trader Joe’s Fresh Salsa (Pico de gallo)- $0.24
Cheese- ~$0.60 depending on how much you like

4 servings= $4.02 so about $1.00 per serving!!

Let me know what you guys think!

Meatless Meals for Amateurs

Every now and then I find a blog that relates well with my blog’s goal and “Fool Proof Vegetarian” definitely happens to be one of those blogs!

Are you trying start to eat clean by cutting meat from your diet but don’t really know where to start? Well “Fool Proof Vegetarian” should be your first stop because that’s exactly the purpose behind Valerie Martin’s blog.

Martin began being a vegetarian her freshman year of college, about three years ago, at University of Illinois at Chicago where she studies English. She made the decision to become a vegetarian because she likes knowing that no animals were harmed in the process of creating her meal. Also, she just all around feels better since not eating meat.

Martin said it was difficult at first because she was living in the dorms where the cafeteria doesn’t have many meat-less options. She said that she “still struggle[s] with finding recipes that are easy to follow and make without a lot of kitchen knowledge,” which is why she began her blog.

Martin wants to make the transition from a carnivore into an herbivore a piece of cake for her readers because it ultimately does lead to a healthier lifestyle, which you know we’re all about.

Martin realizes that vegetarian recipes are usually more difficult to prepare because they involve turning a side dish into a main dish, which calls for a little more creativity in the kitchen. She showcases recipes for people that have little kitchen knowledge by providing readers with specific cooking instructions that help lead to a delicious meal.

Martin concluded the interview with a simple message for readers- she’s here to help. “Whether you are a committed vegetarian, looking to cook more meat-free meals, or just need some recipes you can make without screwing up,” this is where you need to be.

Plus, since her meals are on the easier side they have fewer ingredients which means they’re cheaper! So check out “Fool Proof Vegetarian” and get on your way with healthy eating!

Buy What’s in Season this March

Saving money at organic grocery stores is already a difficult task. To keep the cost as low as possible you should look into what’s in season locally.

Supply and demand are in full swing when it comes to shopping in season in every realm of life, including food. Certain foods tend to be cheaper due to the abundance of crop that is produced during different seasons in the area.

You’ll pay about double for those strawberries right now then if you were to wait and buy some in the summertime. Plus when foods are in season they all around just taste better because they’re fresh as opposed to being picked last week and shipped through this disgusting cold.

Here is a calendar you can check out for what crops are in season for every month of the year in Illinois!

Shop smart, keep your fridge full and your wallet fat!


Updated: 5/5/2014

Graze: A Healthy Snack Delivered to Your Door


Have you guys heard of Graze? I recently saw it on a Facebook advertisement and decided to check it out. Graze is a healthy snack that gets delivered to you every two weeks- it’s kind of like a Birch box.

You get sent new snacks to try every other week for six bucks a box! The best part is that they’re all natural and they all come in portion-controlled containers so they’re perfect for your on-the-go midday munchies!

Graze has over 90 different choices- from fruits to nuts to dippers, you’ll always have something to choose from. Then after you try them, you get to go online and rate which ones are your favorite so they can send you custom boxes that fit your taste buds.

I’m obsessed with these snacks in the mail, especially with this brutal winter we’re having. So stay warm and get nature delivered to your door. Oh! And you can use my promo code to get your 1st and 5th box free! “P6YW6QFQP” Enjoy snacking!!


Updated: 5/5/2014